Making correction for batteries with serial numbers

After you have submitted a declaration, you can correct it once.

  • Log in to MyBebat and go to ‘Declarations’.
  • Choose the declaration you want to revise and then click ‘Correct’ via the ‘More’ icon dots-vertical (3 dots) next to it. You can also open the declaration first and then navigate to ‘Correction’ via the ‘More’ icon dots-vertical.

You can now make changes in the same way as with the original declaration. All corrections are shown visually.

Just like other corrections, you can make corrections to batteries with serial numbers either manually or via an import.

Does your correction involve a smaller number of batteries than originally declared?

Then the lines previously created for those serial numbers in the original declaration must also be removed. You will see a notification about this at the end of each line. Remove the relevant lines as follows:

  • After entering the necessary revisions, click on ‘Review & submit’ at the bottom.
  • You will see a pop-up on your screen with the serial numbers submitted. Select the lines you wish to remove by ticking them at the front of the line. The number of lines to tick corresponds with the number of batteries you deducted.
  • Now click ‘Remove selected & next’.
  • You must repeat this several times for the different battery types depending on how many battery types you have corrected in the declaration. Once done, you can continue submitting the correction as usual.

Note: you must use a separate declaration procedure when you want to deduct the contribution for batteries already on the market (e.g. due to export). Read more about this in the article: Correcting a declaration with a negative amount.

Does your correction involve a greater number of batteries than originally declared?

Then you must also provide the serial numbers for these new batteries. More information can be found here: Submitting serial numbers.