Set up a temporary closure for your collection point

Label - Coming soon-png

Is your collection point temporarily unavailable for battery collection and pickups? Then you can set up a temporary closure in MyBebat. This way, we and our drivers will know that there are no collection activities at your location during that period.

Follow these steps to set up a temporary closure:

  • Log in to MyBebat.
  • Go to 'Collection''Collection points' in the menu on the left.
  • Click on the 'More' icon (3 dots) dots-vertical on the right side of the line of the location you want to temporarily close.
  • Choose the 'Temporarily closed'

A window will appear where you can fill in the details about the temporary closure:

  • What is the reason for the temporary closure?
  • During which period is your location closed?
  • Is there anything else you want to let us know about this temporary closure?

When you have filled in all the information correctly, click on 'Set up temporary closure'.

Depending on the reason and period you have entered, it is possible that we will create a support ticket and our employees will contact you.

After setting up the temporary closure, your location will have the status 'Temporarily closed'.

School holidays

Are you a school? Then it is good to know that we always take official school holidays into account and therefore never plan pickups during these periods. So you do not need to set up a temporary closure for an official school holiday.