In the ‘Serial numbers’ overview, you will find a status for each declaration: new, draft, submitted or overdue. Find out what each status means here.
‘New’ status
This serial number declaration is ready to be entered. Open the declaration and start adding details for the batteries. The status of this declaration will then change to ‘Draft’.
‘Draft’ status
This serial number declaration is partially completed. Open the declaration to finish it and then submit it.
‘Draft’ status, locked
Do you see a lock icon on your serial number declaration? That means someone else from your organisation opened the declaration. Two users cannot edit a declaration simultaneously. You can reopen the declaration once the other user has closed it.
‘Submitted’ status
This serial number declaration was submitted successfully.
‘Submitted’ status, locked
Do you see a lock icon on your submitted serial number declaration? That means the time allowed to make corrections has passed. Still need to make a correction? If so, please contact us.
‘X days overdue’ status
This serial number declaration has not yet been submitted and the deadline has been exceeded by the stated number of days. Submit this declaration as soon as possible to avoid extra costs.
‘X days overdue’ status, locked
Do you see a lock icon on your overdue serial number declaration? This means the allowed time limit has been exceeded and you can no longer submit this declaration. Still need to make a correction? If so, please contact us.